Church Twinning International, Incorporated Ghana
August 2024 2nd Annual Business Fair DONKOMI (REDUCTION SALE)
Resurrection Methodist Church Youth Ministry
Church Twinning International (CTI) was founded in 1981 by Mr. Andrew C. Dentah and Rev. Dr. Sidney R. Holston and his wife, the late Mrs. Isabelle Daniels Holston, religious leaders from Georgia (USA) and Ghana, (West Africa). CTI is an ecumenical outreach ministry that “twins” congregations globally providing and opportunity to exchange communication between each congregation in an effort to support the pastor, parishioners and their respective communities. Each congregation embodies the Pauline Macedonian experience of Acts 16:9, “…come over and help us.” Upon founding CTI, a relationship was developed with the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) and provided seminarians with an opportunity to learn more about the twinning process. CTI has established 4 member organizations: CTI-USA, CTI-Ghana, Global Missions Partners Foundation(South Africa) in partnership with CTI-USA, and CTI-Liberia.
CTI-Ghana was established and incorporated in November 1986.

The twinning relationship
Increases cultural awareness
Involves educational exchange
Promotes spiritual growth/ partnership by creating innovative programs and projects
Combines economic and other interests when and where appropriate
Twinning IS About building mutual relationships, learning worship styles, discipleship, organizing joint ministry experiences
Twinning is NOT About changing others, imposing a specific way of life, building infrastructure, fundraising