What We Do

Rev. Dr. Sidney R. Holston

The mission of CTI is to forge formal ties between individual congregations in the United States with congregations in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and throughout the Caribbean creating an opportunity for churches located in the U.S.A. to get involved in foreign mission work without sending full-time missionaries.
Mr. Andrew C. Denteh
The church is God’s creation, which has transforming lives as its goal. Church Twinning links two churches that learn, grow, and encourage each other in ministry. Through cooperative efforts, these churches bring about positive permanent, Christian change. This linkage blends cultural beliefs and economic and theological worldviews which, in turn, lead to increased appreciation and respect, as well as dispels misunderstanding and mistrust. The end result is two churches unified for Christ, dedicated to espousing and making their belief systems a joint enterprise.
Twinning Visits
Although the advancement in technology has assisted in supporting twinned churches to stay connected on a regular basis, visits to the twinning community should be planned to assist in developing relationships and to see first hand the ways in which the churches can support each other and plan their twinning experience. Ideally the following should be discussed and planned:
At least one visit per year for the pastors and lay leaders between the twinning communities
Orientation meetings to discuss the necessary documentation, travel, culture, and expectations should be done months before the trip
During the trip, the host church should prepare opportunities to attend worship service or bible study and include time to get to know local people, fellowship, and hear faith journeys/testimonials
Why Twin
The reasons for wanting to twin are many and varied. Some of our parishes state the following as reasons it is important to them:
Unifying the body of Christ
Learning different styles of church service and participate in ministries
Enrich each others worship experience through the use of technology
Collaborate on certain projects
Sharing ideas
Share best practices of church administration and management
Identifies a place of worship when church leaders or parishioners travel for vacation or possibly relocation
Encourage and strengthen each other

Through cooperative efforts, the churches bring about positive permanent, Christian change and links cultural beliefs, economics, and theological worldviews. In addition, twinning increases appreciation and respect, and dispels misunderstanding and distrust. The end result is two churches unified for Christ, dedicated to espousing and making their belief systems a joint enterprise